
Eli Pascall-Willis is a professional photographer living and working on the Wirral peninsula. His career in photography has included landscapes, commercial architecture and fine art printing. It is his passion for producing prints that by far stands out the most for him. His limited edition prints are collected internationally.

Eli clearly remembers owning a camera at the age of ten. However, it was not until his mid-twenties when he found himself behind a friend’s SLR, which ignited his passion for image making, initially with black and white film and printing in a darkroom. It also took him into the landscape, where he spent much of his time exploring various parts of the UK.

In more recent years Eli has found himself drawn more and more to woodlands. His fascination for trees comes from early memories as a child living in Mid-Wales, exploring, climbing and making dens. He now seeks to further understand woodland habitats and capture their essence. Doing this gives him a feeling of calm and belonging.

Eli also grew up a hour from the coast and remembers spending many a day on the seashore. Now living by the coast he has also found a deep connection with the openness that this provides. He now splits his time between woodlands on calm days and the coast on wild days. For him this is a perfect match for his personality.


RBS - Nat West - Sehd KM Architects - Ark Design - Bay Media - Checkpoint - Practical Photography - Outdoor Photography Magazine - The Liverpool Lifestyle Magazine - Trail Magazine - Amateur Photography Magazine - The Guardian Newspaper - Dorling Kingsley - Event Solution Liverpool - Britain Magazine - Country Walking and many others

Be / Longing - Current Exhibition at The Lake gallery West Kirby 27th Oct -26th Nov 2022
Independents Biennial - St Georges Exhibition
Light Night Liverpool -Participating open studio
Participating open studio Exhibition LOST2017
Liverpool open Studios
Liverpool Art Fair, Contributing Artist
Light Night Liverpool - Participating open studio
Exhibition Hub Studios & Gallery open
Light Night open Studio Liverpool
Liverpool Art fair Liverpool Art fair (Galleries Only), World Museum contributing artist with Rennies Gallery
Liverpool open Exhibition Editions Gallery
Joe Cornish Gallery Solo Exhibition (Entrance Hall)